2018 CSRA College Night

Mark Your Calendars: CSRA College Night September 27th

* Over 130 colleges and universities expected to attend (James Brown Arena)

* $16,000 in scholarships to be awarded

Aiken, S.C., (August 21, 2018) — High school students will have a special opportunity to meet recruiters from more than 130 colleges and universities and win scholarships totaling $16,000 at CSRA College Night, to be held Thursday, Sept. 27th, 5-8:30 p.m., at the James Brown Arena, Augusta, Ga. Admission is free and open to the public.

Each year, the entire arena is filled with seminars, information booths, career and counseling centers, plus colorful exhibits manned by representatives from colleges, universities and technical schools from throughout the U.S. In addition, members from local professional societies will be prepared to provide beneficial information in areas such as engineering, management, chemical science and nuclear science.

Last year, approximately 5,000 CSRA students, parents and guidance counselors attended the event.

“We’re thrilled to have use of this huge arena to serve area students,” said Gladys Moore, SRNS Education Outreach. “Working with our co-sponsors and volunteers, we do our best to meet the individual needs of each attending student and parent.”

College Night provides a way for CSRA students and parents to:

* Obtain information on educational opportunities, admission requirements and tuition;

* Attend seminars to get information about HOPE and LIFE scholarships, financial aid and essay writing for college admissions, time management, learning styles, scholarships and joint enrollment;

* Visit a counseling center that will be open throughout the evening where students and parents can seek advice about the college application process from high school advisors and admissions professionals;

* Visit a career exploration area where students can discover their options after college. Students will be able to participate in a quick “card sort” interest inventory to validate their career choice; and

* Register to participate in the drawing for a $1,000 scholarship. Students must attend and register in person at CSRA College Night to be eligible. To qualify for a College Night scholarship, students must be high school juniors or seniors and graduate with a GPA equal or above 2.5 on a 4.0 scale or equivalent.

“It’s amazing, you can actually feel the excitement in the air,” said Moore. “It’s one of those events that has to be experienced to be fully understood.”

A large number of the College Night volunteers are employees working at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site near Aiken, S.C. The U.S. Department of Energy-Savannah River is a major sponsor.

The event is now entering its third decade of service to area high school students. “Well over $250,000 in scholarship funding has been offered to the tens of thousands of students who have attended College Night in the past. The generosity of our scholarship sponsors and much appreciated help from more than 100 volunteers are major reasons why this effort is consistently so successful each year,” added Moore.

CSRA College Night sponsors include the U.S. Department of Energy-Savannah River Operations Office, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, and iHeartMedia

Other contributors include: SRP Federal Credit Union, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, Bridgestone Americas, CENTERRA, SC Society of Professional Engineers Aiken Chapter, American Society – Aiken Chapter, Aiken County Public School Career Specialists and Counselors, Augusta Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Communigraphics and Augusta Marriott Hotel and Suites.

For more information, visit the College Night web site at http://www.srs.gov, click on Outreach, then Education Outreach Programs, then CSRA College Night:


Caption: Representatives from numerous universities will be available and scholarships totaling $16,000 at this year’s College Night, Sept. 27th, 5-8:30 p.m.

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